BESTSELLER Foundation will donate €1 million to support the communities affected by the devastating flooding in the Valencia region of Spain. The donation aims to provide immediate relief. It will also contribute to the long-term recovery process of the region.

This year, colleagues at BESTSELLER were invited to propose a charitable cause close to their hearts for the annual New Year's donation from BESTSELLER Foundation

Since the inception of the global innovation lab in 2017, BESTSELLER has been a consistent supporter of bringing together talents from all over the world to co-create solutions for the challenges our planet is facing. This year will be no exception.

A part of this year's New Year's gift in BESTSELLER is a DKK 5 million donation on behalf of the colleagues to seven hand-picked projects in Pakistan, Cambodia and Bangladesh, among others. All the projects aim to improve conditions for particularly vulnerable people.

As part of this year’s New Year’s gift, BESTSELLER and BESTSELLER Foundation have joined forces to donate DKK 3.5 million to Bangladesh.

BESTSELLER Foundation has partnered with TakaTaka Solutions by investing in the Kenyan company’s new subsidiary TakaTaka Textile Recycling. TakaTaka Textile Recycling sees a great opportunity to recycle textile waste into new raw materials for manufacturing industries, which will create vast numbers of jobs, while also aiding the environment.