In 2023-24, BESTSELLER’s overall results were impacted by challenging conditions in the global fashion market. Despite this, the company managed to secure an improved EBIT and will continue to invest in transforming its business to adapt to new demands. 

Our Sustainability Report is part of our Annual Report and covers the financial year for the companies BESTSELLER A/S and VILA A/S.

Get the full insight in our newest sustainability reporting or take a look at past years endeavours in the achieve.

With the Supply Chain Due Diligence Report 2023-24, BESTSELLER aims to provide stakeholders, including industry partners, NGOs, and regulatory bodies even more detailed insights into its due diligence approach and efforts in reducing the environmental and social impact of the factories where our products are made.

What to expect when a product is labelled 'certified and branded' in BESTSELLER?

Certified and branded materials are materials proven to have less environmental impact on the climate, when compared to conventional materials of the same category. Examples of this could be the preservation of water resources, using renewable energy and safer chemicals during production.

Through our supply chain policies, we seek to uphold the principles of good governance and social and environmental sustainability and convey such corporate ethical culture to all our stakeholders, promoting respect for fundamental Human and Labour Rights across our supply chain partners.

BESTSELLER works with numerous stakeholders to manage and collaborate together on managing our human rights, environmental and chemical risks in this part of BESTSELLER's supply chain.

BESTSELLER has a responsibility to ensure that our products always live up to the required safety standards. Should a product fail to do so it will be withdrawn or recalled from the market according to relevant legislation.

BESTSELLER’S Public Factory List includes a full account of our Tier 1 factories, related Tier 0 factories, as well as our preferred materials suppliers (Tier 2). We publish a public factory list once every two months.

In addition to publicly disclosing our factory list on our own site, BESTSELLER also publishes our supplier data via Open Supply Hub.

BESTSELLER is committed to respect and promote human rights. We report on, among others, our human rights work in our annual sustainability report.

To meet the requirements of the Norwegian Transparency Act, we produce a separate annual statement on our approach to human rights due diligence in our own operations as well as in our supply chain (Redegjørelse for aktsomhetsvurderinger)    


BESTSELLER is committed to prevent modern slavery and human rights trafficking in our supply chain. We report on, among others, our human rights work in our annual sustainability report.

To meet the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, we produce a separate annual statement on modern slavery

The UN SDGs are critical to sustainability at BESTSELLER as they are the global blueprint for a better and more sustainable future for all. We believe our sustainability efforts should consider all 17 SDGs, however, for the fashion industry, some are more pertinent than others.

We acknowledge that there are issues which we cannot solve on our own, and we believe that collaboration is key to finding solutions and making lasting changes.

We have joined various multi-stakeholder initiatives and partnerships through which we address industry specific challenges and opportunities together with other retailers, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and industry associations.