BESTSELLER has been active in Myanmar since 2014. Since then, our due diligence has increased year on year, and with the unrest and instability following the coup in 2021, BESTSELLER has continuously monitored the situation in Myanmar closely – to act accordingly in line with the occurring situation and to make sure that our corporate social responsibility meets the highest international standards.

As part of our commitment to responsible business conduct, BESTSELLER has published a region of heightened human rights due diligence report, which offers transparency into our comprehension and approach to heightened due diligence in Myanmar. The report’s aim is to provide clarity on the measures undertaken to promote, protect, and remedy human rights concerns in this region.

Region of heightened due diligence: Myanmar, March 2024 (Burmese Version)

Region of heightened due diligence: Myanmar, March 2024

Region of heightened due diligence: Myanmar, November 2023

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