Our history

BESTSELLER’s history dates to 1975, when Troels Holch Povlsen and Merete Bech Povlsen opened a single store in the Danish town of Ringkøbing. Initially this was as an outlet to sell clothes for Troels’ uncle. But later that year the business expanded. So, the couple began importing their own products and selling to wholesale partners.

In 1980, Troels and Merete bought a store in Aarhus called BESTSELLER which also became the name of their company. In 1985, our main office was established in Brande where it’s still located today. BESTSELLER started selling women’s fashion and in 1986 launched the brand EXIT and 1987 VERO MODA. In 1988, we reached an important milestone with the opening of a retail store in Norway, our first outside of Denmark.

In 1995, the company launched JACK & JONES, our first men’s wear brand. The next year the brand that would become NAME IT, our first kids wear brand was launched. Since then, accessories, maternity wear, sportswear, unisex and plus size fashion have joined BESTSELLER’s range of products.

Our present

BESTSELLER has continued and maintained its foundation as a family-owned fashion company with a strong heritage. In 2001, Anders Holch Povlsen, son of Troels and Merete took over as the owner and Managing Director of BESTSELLER. Anders began working in the company at the age of 15. Since 1996 he had been Managing Director of the brand VILA. Merete and Troels are still involved in the family business. Troels as a member and Merete as the chairman of the BESTSELLER’s Board of Directors.

In 2006, BESTSELLER began transitioning to digital retailing when we launched our first e-commerce platform. Since then, we’ve significantly expanded our investments in retail and online technology. In 2018, we launched our sustainability strategy, Fashion FWD, setting ambitious goals for integrating sustainability across our business.

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