BESTSELLER Foundation has partnered with TakaTaka Solutions by investing in the Kenyan company’s new subsidiary TakaTaka Textile Recycling. TakaTaka Textile Recycling sees a great opportunity to recycle textile waste into new raw materials for manufacturing industries, which will create vast numbers of jobs, while also aiding the environment.

The first project for TakaTaka Textile Recycling is piloting a scalable textile recycling model for Kenya and beyond by leveraging TakaTaka Solutions’ waste collection capacity and by setting up a textile sorting centre and recycling plant.

“There is a great deal of post-consumer and factory textile waste in Kenya, and there is no textile recycling infrastructure or systems in place. There is a need to establish collection, sorting and recycling capacity to divert textiles from being discarded at landfills or in the open. This helps avoid greenhouse gas emissions and toxins from leaking into the surrounding soil and water.”

Camilla Skjønning Jørgensen, Innovation & Materials Manager in BESTSELLER and Board Member at Taka Taka Textile Recycling, adds:

“From a circularity perspective, it’s very important to focus on holistic solutions for existing problems. In BESTSELLER, we are already focusing on designing for circularity for upcoming products, however, there are many products out there that are nearing the end of their use cycle and these have to be directed into the next loop – and we need to make sure that these systems come into existence.”

The partnership between BESTSELLER Foundation and TakaTaka Solutions is a joint venture where BESTELLER Foundation holds 49 percent of TakaTaka Textile Recycling. TakaTaka Solutions is the largest waste management and recycling company in Kenya and a pioneer in recycling, collecting waste from more than 20,000 households, managing 70 tonnes of waste per day and employing 430 staff.

BESTSELLER Foundation’s projects and work are made possible through the support of BESTSELLER.

Read more about the Foundation here:

Read more about TakaTaka Solutions at